I’ve kind of avoided the ‘About Me’ section on this website, but as I’m regularly advising clients to ‘tell their story’, then it makes sense that I should too. So this is me just after when I had finished working between Leeds and London.
The so-called ‘Shoreditch Beard’ has now gone as there were too many grey hairs, and too much time spent applying beard oil for my liking.
I’ve 20+ years experience in marketing – from working with small creative agencies through to a large PLC. I don’t define myself by a specific marketing discipline – I’m as comfortable with the benefits of print and radio as I am social media and film. It’s what’s right for the client to achieve whatever those all important goals may be.
What I do define myself by is helping people or businesses to tell a great story – because everyone does have one. It helps to define what we are at different levels, and it helps to embed brands into people’s psyche.
Strategic Marketing
Tactical Marketing
Why the obsession with whisky?
A passion is undoubtedly the drinks industry. Ever since I crawled in one of the large copper stills at Bladnoch Distillery, i’ve been obsessed; I’ve bought, drunk, visited, sold, invested in and even made whisky.
The obsession goes far beyond tasting the drink though – it’s the connection with people and places which interest me so much, and of course, how this is communicated in so many different ways.
The final point to make, this time with no supporting image, is sustainability. This is no band-wagon / Greenwash statement. I’m genuinely interested in how we can collectively change how we consume and impact the world we live in. Ok, so we’re always going to impact it – but how do we do that less destructively and less thoughtlessly?
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How can we work together to make a real difference to how your business communicates – and attracts new customers?