No and Low alcoholic drinks. What’s your opinion?

The ‘low’ and ‘no’ alcoholic drinks sector is growing – (as is the ‘functional’ sector) – with many in the business stating that on-trade sales are key to connective consumers with the brands. I’m curious – have any of you sampled low or non alcoholic alternatives to your favourite tipple instead of opting for a …

Personal Branding Andrew Stark Marketing York

Personal branding. What’s your thoughts?

I’ve always avoided such things to be honest – “I’m no instagram influencer or model” I thought. But it makes perfect sense. Of course it does. I *could* tell people I ‘do’ social media or websites or “stuff like that”. But that’s not about value is it?Alternatively, I could tell people about me, and what …

What we can learn from a French wine term.

In wine-making the French term “terroir” is often used. Terroir is the basis of the French wine Appellation d’origine contrôlée (AOC) system, which is a model for wine appellation and regulation in France, and around the world too.  But what does it mean? According to WSET — Wine & Spirit Education Trust, terroir refers to “the natural environment where the …

Your sustainability message needs more thought than you may think.

When drinks brands talk about their sustainability credentials they often focus on just one or two elements of what they do – such as the use of recycled material compared to their previous iteration of the same product for example. This may be a great start, but it leaves so many stones unturned. Changing to …

How your employees can make or break your brand

It’s staggering to think that a single person’s attitude can make or break your feelings towards a brand, but it’s so true. This summer, I spent a lot of time indulging in a passion of mine – visiting whisky distilleries. Although there’s many things which can influence my preference here – from taste, to branding, …

Andrew Stark Marketing York

What’s your story?

What’s your story? When my eldest brother (left) and his wife owned a brewery, they’d often show people around – tour parties who would take in three breweries a day.These people knew brewing inside and out. So what was their interest?Apart from how the newly brewed pint tasted at the end of the visit, the …