To do good business

Good Business CharterSo what do I mean about that?

I’m an accredited member of the Good Business Charter -a simple accreditation which organisations in the UK can sign up to in recognition of responsible business practices. It measures behaviour over 10 components: real living wage, fairer hours and contracts, employee well-being, employee representation, diversity and inclusion, environmental responsibility, paying fair tax, commitment to customers, ethical sourcing, and prompt payment.

Take a look here and see what this could mean for you;

To always consider the environment

I really believe that creating a sustainable business model should be the norm – and not the exception, however  it’s always looked at in reverse.

There’s many aspects of business which is making positive steps to understand, control and reduce their carbon footprint – but loads of misinformation too.

This is one of the reasons that I want to de-mistify marketing and create clear communication.

Book a free, 30 minute discovery call.

How can we work together to make a real difference to how your business communicates – and attracts new customers?

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