Sustainability: Your first three simple steps.
Just starting out on your sustainability journey, curious about what it means - or wanting to raise it up to a new level?
A short note on being kind.
It doesn't take a lot of time for you to be kind, does it? Just think how you can help others with the skills you have.
Aren’t all wines vegan?
Aren't all wines vegan? It’s made from fermented grape juice, so it’s vegan, right? Unfortunately, it’s not quite so simple.
Learn to let go. (aka; “Shikita ga…
I’m sure a lot of people now know the term “Ikigai” – life purpose. It’s often used in coaching to define your personal meaning of life.
What happens when you try to please…
There’s lots of talk of ‘finding your niche’ in my work, and it’s something that many people struggle with.
Don’t be afraid of change. Say hello…
Wine in Cans? Many people I know are afraid of change, but the thing is – it’s inevitable. New ideas and innovation comes from change.
The marketing power of whisky tasting.
It’s been a while since I’ve done whisky tasting, but last night was a welcome return.
Tech sales – how to avoid the…
A bid was for a technical solution and the client a major high-street name. The feedback was, unfortunately, quite damning
Tactics without strategy…
Not everyone is up to speed with the wisdom of the Chinese general, military strategist, writer, and philosopher who lived in the Eastern Zhou period of ancient China, Sun Tzu