Home Page Header Oct 2022
I add clarity.
I interpret what you want to tell your customers and
explain it in a way they will understand.
I add clarity.
I add clarity.
I interpret what you want to tell your customers and
explain it in a way they will understand.
Home Page Header 2 Oct 2022
Can't see the wood?
I listen, understand and then articulate your ideas, concepts,
products and services.
Sometimes, you can be too close to what you’re doing.
Can't see the wood?
Can't see the wood?
I listen, understand and then articulate your ideas, concepts, products and services.
Sometimes, you can be too close to what you’re doing.
Home Page Header 3 Oct 2022
Keep. It. Simple.
Marketing doesn't need to be complicated.
Keep. It. Simple.
Keep. It. Simple.
Marketing doesn't need to be complicated.
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Andrew Stark Marketing York

Hola, soy Andrew Stark.
Soy consultor de marketing y coach.

Ayudo a individuos y organizaciones a comprender, simplificar y comunicar no solo lo que hacen sino por qué lo hacen.

Esto les ayuda a crear una propuesta más clara y distintiva para sus clientes y crea una presencia de mercado más efectiva.

Hago esto integrándome en las organizaciones durante un período de meses para convertirme en un miembro contribuyente de sus equipos estratégicos y de entrega, o en forma de coaching uno a uno con personas que desean definir claramente su propósito comercial listo para su próxima etapa. de crecimiento

Entrenamiento 1:1
Trabajo con personas de forma individual con reuniones semanales. En el transcurso de 10 semanas, creamos claridad abordando las barreras y la confusión y reemplazándolas con planes y enfoque.
Esto incluye comprender mejor las necesidades de los clientes y encontrar el mensaje y el lugar correctos para conectarse con ellos.

Director de marketing
Tengo una cartera de organizaciones con las que trabajo de cerca en contratos renovables de seis meses, integrándome en su negocio y convirtiéndome en parte del equipo. Esto brinda los beneficios de un experto en marketing senior con mentalidad estratégica y experiencia para ayudar a las empresas a alcanzar su próximo nivel de crecimiento.

El proceso incluye el desarrollo de la marca y el posicionamiento en el mercado.

Es hora de crear tu historia. Déjame ayudar.

Consultor de marketing

Consultant, freelancer, portfolio director – there’s many names to what this is. In short, it’s where I work as a contributing member of your team to deliver change.

Entrenador de marketing

I love working with individuals to help them better define what they do, understand their niche and give practical support and advice in how to exploit this.

Andrew Stark Marketing York

You know when people have a great idea or business but they don’t know how to articulate what it is, or they don’t know the best way to spread the word about what it is?

Well that’s what I do. I help those people to articulate their ideas which bring businesses to life, or help existing businesses to flourish where they were once stuck.

I use my personal and professional experience to create simple yet effective communication strategies to help businesses to grow. I really believe every business has a story to tell, and every business owner something that ignites their passion.

Used well, it connects people with products and embeds brands into customers’ psyche. The problem is, many people struggle to articulate what this actually is.

I work with forward-thinking companies, growing brands and entrepreneurial individuals to creating compelling and authentic communications.


Consultant / Portfolio Director


1-2-1 Coaching


Tactical Marketing Delivery


Consultant / Portfolio Director


1-2-1 Coaching


1-2-1 Coaching


Book a free
discovery call.

Let’s see if we’re a good match. I’d love to know if I can help transform your business, clarify what you do or set you on the right tracks for sucess.


Andrew focussed on my goals and how we can achieve them.

Andrew focussed on my goals and how we can achieve them.

Graeme Charters
Managing Director, CentreStage Leasing

Graeme Charters Managing Director, CentreStage Leasing

RDS Safety Management

Laid down the ideal foundations for me to build my new business on.

Laid down the ideal foundations for me to build my new business on.

Richard Dobson
Managing Director, RDS Safety Management Ltd

Richard Dobson
Managing Director, RDS Safety Management Ltd

Old Smithy Whisky

Goes to great lengths to really understand not just what we want, but what drives our customers too.

Goes to great lengths to really understand not just what we want, but what drives our customers too.

Katy Pinder
Old Smithy Whisky

Katy Pinder Old Smithy Whisky

Enviro Project ES

Really challenged our thinking and shaped our sustainability plans.

Really challenged our thinking and shaped our sustainability plans.

Monica Puertolas
Lead; The Enviro Project ES.

Monica Puertolas Lead; The Enviro Project ES.


An instrumental addition in helping
our brand evolve.

An instrumental addition in helping our brand evolve.

Daniel Lee-Bursnall
CEO, Incremental Ltd

Daniel Lee-Bursnall CEO, Incremental Ltd


A genuine passion for the drinks
industry, backed up with knowledge and experience.

A genuine passion for the drinks
industry, backed up with knowledge and experience.

A genuine passion for the drinks
industry, backed up with knowledge and experience.

Julian Kaye
Keeper of the Quaich

Julian Kaye
Keeper of the Quaich

Julian Kaye Keeper of the Quaich


Took my germ of an idea, then brought my business to life.

Took my germ of an idea, then brought my business to life.

Andy Gibb
Training Provider 4U

Andy Gibb Training Provider 4U

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Sustainability – your first three steps when creating your business plan.

Don’t make rash decisions or claims you’re unable to substantiate. We always suggest you consider all your communications carefully, and introducing sustainability messaging into your marketing is no exception.

These first three steps will help you, but for better results, arrange a free, no-obligation call.

Testimonial Slider - Henry Willard - Nov 2022
He's proved to me that I can be effective and disciplined at marketing myself without needing to find another 5 hours in the day.
Andrew is an exceptionally diligent individual who listens, cares, and helps in a way that is so refreshing and reassuring.

He immediately took a caring, genuine interest in me and my business and offers balanced advice, suggestions and recommendations whilst working with me to set goals at a realistic pace.
Testimonial Slider - Centre Stage Oct 2022
Andrew quickly demonstrated his understanding of the challenges within the retail sector.
Working with Andrew has been a pleasure.
He helped me at a time where I was trying to achieve a lot in a small window of time - setting up my own business.
He quickly demonstrated his understanding of the challenges within the retail sector, and built a website which clearly reflected my business and the services I operated within.
Graeme Charters
Managing Director
CentreStage Leasing
Testimonial Slider - Katie Miller - Oct 2022
Andrew led me to conclusions and breakthroughs by helping me to better understand what I wanted.
Andrew not only provided a level head and years of experience, but he showed genuine interest in what I did. He was never prescriptive in terms of what I should do – instead he led me to conclusions and breakthroughs by helping me to better understand what I wanted.
Testimonial Slider - Incremental - Nov 2022
He's been instrumental in the evolution of our brand and positioning and has noticeably raised our profile in the global rail technology market.
Andrew has been a part of Incremental's growth story for several years now.
He's been instrumental in the evolution of our brand and positioning and has noticeably raised our profile in the global rail technology market.
It's a pleasure to work with Andrew - and he fits seamlessly into our team.
Daniel Lee-Bursnall
Founding Partner and CEO
Incremental Ltd
Testimonial Slider - Andy Gibb - Nov 2022
Andrew has this amazing ability to create order from the chaos of my brain.
He is always able to interpret my thoughts and ideas and apply logic and rationale, which then shapes it into a compelling business proposition.
Andrew has this amazing ability to create order from the chaos of my brain.
He is always able to interpret my thoughts and ideas and apply logic and rationale,
which then shapes it into a compelling business proposition.
Andy Gibb
Safeguarding Trainer
& Entrepreneur
Andy Gibb &Stark Marketing York
Testimonial Slider - Old Smithy - Oct 2022
His work with Old Smithy has shown how much he immerses himself into the needs of both the retailer and the customer and the decision processes associated with each.
Andrew really understands the drinks market and has a particular passion for whisky. His work with Old Smithy has shown how much he immerses himself into the needs of both the retailer and the customer and the decision processes associated with each.
Old Smithy has been a great success for us - with clear in-store presence, content pitched at the right level and visual appeal which gives larger brands a run for their money.
Katie Pinder
Retail Manager
Old Smithy Whisky
Testimonial Slider - Rich Dobson - Oct 2022
provided the perfect foundations for
me to build my business on.
Andrew has provided the perfect foundations for
me to build my business on.
Starting with a brand identity which underpins all other aspects of
my communications and marketing -
he understood the brief, and then some.
Richard Dobson
Managing Director
RDS Safety Management Ltd
Testimonial Slider - WWC - Nov 2022
provided the perfect foundations for
me to build my business on.
'Starky' has been a trusted partner for many years.
It's hard to put into words the value he's added to our organisation -
from dragging us into a more modern world to meet out customer demands online, or positioning us well in front of prestigious Michelin-Starred chefs and restaurants - he's been very instrumental for which we are extremely grateful.
Julian Kaye
Managing Director & Keeper of the Quaich
Wright Wine & Whisky Company
Testimonial Slider - Enviro - Oct 2022
The feedback I received from our sessions with Andrew was fantastic.
The feedback I received from our sessions with Andrew was fantastic.
He's clearly passionate about creating communications which customers can understand.
Also, he challenged our thinking - helping us arrive at solutions rather than dictating what we should do.
I really enjoyed this approach.
Monica Puertolas
Project Lead
The Enviro Project, ES
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Testimonial Logo - Old Smithy
Testimonial Logo - Enviro
RDS-Logo Ideas-02
Merisis Logo
Incremental Logo-Stripes
Andrew Stark Marketing York Whisky Label
Andrew Stark Marketing York Whisky Distilling Process
Andrew Stark Marketing York Label Design
Andrew Stark Marketing
Andrew Stark Marketing York Corporate Website
Connected York
Andrew Stark Marketing York Drinks Retailer Advert
Andrew Stark Marketing York English Whisky
Andrew Stark Marketing York Figma
Andrew Stark Marketing York Whisky Distillery Sustainability