Andrew Stark Marketing York

Is your website damaging the planet?

There’s lots of recent efforts being made to reduce a company’s impact on the planet – and rightly so. From carbon neutral drinks, net-zero companies, carbon offsetting and waste reduction. This is of course fantastic news – consumers are starting to demand more positive action, and businesses are starting to listen. But at what point …

Don't Boil The Ocean Andrew Stark Marketing York

Don’t boil the ocean.

I had a great call with small, growing business recently and they were concerned that their product and services were ‘no longer good enough’ – social media engagement is down, the website is barely registering any traffic, the visual identity was a mixed bag and sales figures resemble a rollercoaster. The thing is, what they do …

Andrew Stark Marketing York

Distillers setting a path towards greater sustainability.

Ever since co-authoring an environmental manifesto (the ‘GreenPrint’) many years ago, I’ve been fascinated with sustainability and the environment. Have I been a glowing example of good practice? Well, that’s a different story, but as another marketing initiative from my print and agency days remind me; to do “One Green Thing” is a step in the right direction. However, …

Why are so many businesses making Covid trading harder than it should be?

I’m a big fan of technology being an enabler to life’s experiences. It shouldn’t replace it – quite yet. It can fast-track processes, and record things like never before. But it still needs creating and managing. When Covid-19 took hold and knocked 2020 sideways, technology came into most people’s lives like never before. Sometimes good, …